Heartburn (Acid Reflux) Prevention

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Overview of Heartburn

Having heartburn can be painful and annoying. For those who do have heartburn, they may find that lifestyle changes can greatly help in stopping the times in which they have heartburn, as well as the severity of the heartburn.

One of the most frequent reasons an individual visits the hospital is due to painĀ on the chest. While a lot of these individuals are experiencing a heart attack, some might have serious heartburn which feels like a heart attack.

Usually, the pain from a heart attack and serious heartburn is so tricky to differentiate that advanced medical analysis is required to conclude whether the person is experiencing a heart attack or whether it is just heartburn.

Stop Smoking

One of the most frequent reasons an individual visits the hospital is due to pains on the chest. While a lot of these individuals are experiencing a heart attack, some might have serious heartburn which feels like a heart attack.
One of the most frequent reasons an individual visits the hospital is due to pains on the chest. While a lot of these individuals are experiencing a heart attack, some might have serious heartburn which feels like a heart attack.

Smoking has been known as one of the major causes of heartburn. For those who stop, they may find that their heartburn completely stops.

Eat Small Meals, More Frequently

Large meals can enhance your chances of having heartburn. That is why it is better for your overall digestion to eat smaller meals, more times throughout the day. You will find that this can also help with other digestive issues that you may be having.

Avoid Certain Foods

There are several foods that are known for causing heartburn, even in those who may be otherwise healthy. These foods can include:

  • Meats that are fatty
  • Fried foods
  • Spicy foods
  • Citrus foods
  • Tomato-based products
  • Caffeine
  • Chocolate
  • Peppermint
  • Alcohol
  • Carbonated beverages
  • Garlic and online
  • Chilies and peppers

With this being said, your meals should be balanced with fresh fruits, water, fresh fish, and vegetables. The better you eat, the less likely these foods are going to be an issue, and you will also find that this may help with being overweight. Obesity is a leading reason for heartburn as it puts more stress on the esophagus.

How you Lie in Bed

For those who lie in bed and are lying flat, they are more likely to have heartburn. Instead, a person should ensure that their head is elevated to help decrease the chances of acid coming up. In addition, a person should avoid lying down right after eating, as this increases the chance of the person having heartburn.

Avoid Tight Clothing

Tight clothing can also lead to heartburn as it is putting more pressure on the stomach and leading to the acid coming back up. You should be sure that you are wearing clothing that is relaxing and not too tight.

Learn to Relax and Meditate

Stress is one of the reasons why a person may have heartburn. For those who are dealing with heartburn, they are going to want to learn how to control their stress. Meditation can be a great way for dealing with heartburn and reducing stress.


Related Video On Heartburn

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