Safety Tips for Kids

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Teaching children about protection starts from the initial time we tell them “no” as they’re reaching for the scorching stove. There’s no motive to stop there, however, children have an unbelievable ability to learn, so educate them how to be protected and how to respond when emergencies take place.


1. Calling for Medical Assistance

As soon as children can be acquainted with numbers, they can be trained to call emergency services. It’s vital to instruct them that the number for the emergency services is not a toy and that it is only for emergencies. And, if your children are carrying mobile phones, they need to identify how phoning with the mobile phone is different than the home phone.

2. Bleeding Management

Direct force on a bleeding wound is typically sufficient to discontinue the flow of blood. Children can be educated very early to place direct force on a cut.

3. Stop, Drop and Roll

Safety Tips for Kids
Safety Tips for Kids

If the children catch their clothing on fire, they have to put them out right away. Instruct them how to stop, drop and roll. If outside, this is something that works superior on grass than it does on concrete. If inside, it’s better to do this on a firm surface than a rug, where the hazard of setting the house of fire is higher. Have the children apply this so they’ll do this routinely if they need to.

4. Fire Plan

When the smoke alarms begin beeping at 2 o’clock in the morning, you truly must have a plan. It’s not sufficient that the children wake up — they have to know where to go. If they have escape ladders in their bedroom, do they know how to activate the ladders? What if the children get out at the rear of the home and you get out at the front? All of these questions have to be decided in advance

5. When to Train Them about CPR

Can children perform CPR? The reply to that is diverse for each kid. There’s no problem that children can learn CPR. If you are going to train the children CPR, it’s particularly vital to stress not to practice on each other. Only perform on mannequins, as placing force on actual chests can lead to severe injuries.

6. Protection from Water Hazards

Keep the life jackets on and make certain the children don’t swim unaccompanied. Instruct children to observe for rip currents; if trapped in one, they ought to swim parallel to the shoreline to get out. Have a swimming pool? If so, there has to be a railing around it or a protective cover on it.

7. Keep away from Dog Bites

Spotty may know not to bite Michael, but does he know not to bite Sarah, the neighbor’s child? Does Sarah’s dog know not to bite your child? Worse yet, does Michael or Sarah know what to do when the dog is a lost and drifting through the playground? Dogs bite children. Teach your kid what to do when dogs come near.


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