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Injuries that entail body tissues apart from bone are usually categorized as soft tissue injuries. Bruises, sprains, and strains are all known as soft tissue injuries, even though the cause and tissues concerned in every injury is different.

A bruise is a soft tissue injury that entails the skin and surrounding tissues involving a blow or force that ruptures a vessel near the surface of the body. Bruising might be seen with either a strain or sprain.

A strain takes place away from a joint and involves a tattered or overstretched muscle or ligament, usually in the calf or lower back.

A sprain is an injury that entails the ligaments and tissues in the region of the joint, such as an ankle sprain.


Symptoms and signs (Not all might be there)

  • pain in the region of the injury, severe with a strain or sprain
  • loss of control in the wounded region, particularly with a sprained joint
  • inflammation of wounded region

How you can help


Consider the following acronym – ‘RICE’: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.

  1. Help the casualty to rest in a comfy place
  • Aid the casualty into the situation of greatest relief, usually sitting with support.
  • Taking it easy for up to 24 hours is useful but moderate movement of the affected region must be encouraged after that time.
  1. Apply ice for considerable pain
  • An ice pack will assist to lessen the ache. It can be useful for up to 20 minutes at a time and can be repeated once if the throbbing persists.
  • To get the greatest result from the ice and to keep away from burning the skin, always enfold an ice pack in a moist cloth prior to applying it on the skin.

3.  Think about applying a compressing bandage

  • Use a good value dressing on a wounded limb.
  • Make sure that fixed and even force is applied to the wounded limb without slowing the flow of blood to the fingers or toes of the affected limb.
  • If the dressing amplifies the pain, DO NOT continue with it.

A compressing bandage is not always essential. Though, it might be handy if there is noticeable bruising.

  1. Keep the wounded region elevated and at rest and organize for medical guidance
  • Make sure the casualty is at rest with elevation of the wounded region for the initial 24.
  • Use a straightforward pain relief like paracetamol during the first 24 hours.
  • Causalities that have major loss of control or brutal pain should be observed by a doctor. All causalities should be informed to see a doctor if their symptoms are not getting better within a few days, or earlier if there is deterioration.
  • If the casualty is in a lot of pain, or unable to be helped to a vehicle for transport – phone for an ambulance.
  • If the damage entails the lower back, an ambulance will be the best type of transportation to avoid danger of extra injury and anxiety.

 Related Video on Sprains

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