What causes nerve pain and numbness?

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A common cause of nerve pain and numbness is a pressure placed on the nerve itself.  A slipped disc can cause pressure on the spinal nerve, which will cause pain and numbness on the back, buttocks or legs. If you have a break, fracture or injury on the bone or joints, the cartilage may be displaced in its alignment and will touch nearby nerves that will cause discomfort. Inflammation of the tendons and ligaments in arthritis and bursitis can cause pain and numbness when the swelling reaches one or more nerves. If you will take a course on first aid training, you will learn pain management measures.

Infection can also cause nerve pains and numbness. Some infections are prone to irritate a nerve and nerve endings to become damage. Some of the diseases that can cause nerve pain are shingles, hepatitis and meningitis and also Lyme disease. Nerve pain can also occur in sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis, herpes and HIV.

Nerve pain and numbness
If you have a break, fracture or injury on the bone or joints, the cartilage may be displaced in its alignment and will touch nearby nerves that will cause discomfort.

Some diseases that can cause nerve damage

It can occur as a result of autoimmune disorder, infections and problems with blood sugar levels. If not treated, damage on the nerve can be permanent.

  • Lupus – it is an autoimmune disease that will cause fatigue, arthritis, fever, kidney problems and rash. Nerve damage is caused by auto-antibodies, called the antinuclear antibodies.
  • Diabetes – it also an autoimmune disease. Diabetic neuropathy is a nerve damage caused by diabetes that can affect any nerve in the body, including those nerves running to the heart and the digestive tract. This can result to uncontrolled blood sugar levels, obesity and high blood pressure. The symptoms are numbness, pain, tingling in the extremities and weakness.
  • Lyme disease – is a kind of illness caused by a tick carrying the bacteria borrelia burgdorferi. It causes damage to the motor and sensory nerves during the chronic stages.
  • The Guillain-Barre syndrome – an autoimmune disorder that is caused when the immune system of the body attacks the nerves. The nerve damage caused by Guillain-Barre produces symptoms like tingling in the extremities, paralysis of the muscles and numbness as well as weakness.
  • Myasthenia gravis – is another autoimmune disorder that attacks the nerves and muscles. The immune system attacks a receptor between the nerve ending and the muscles.

First aid treatment of nerve pains and numbness

  1. Make an appointment with the doctor. Nerve pains are serious problems and have to be checked immediately.
  2. Provide over-the-counter pain and inflammation medicines like ibuprofen and acetaminophen to help minimize pain and provide relief.
  3. Try using a topical cream that contains capsaicin. These are used to reduce pain related to neuralgia.
  4. Encourage the individual to undergo physical therapy since it can help reduce the numbness associated with neuralgia by increasing the flow of blood to the affected area. By doing physical therapy, it can also reduce inflammation and promotes improved flexibility and mobility.
  5. If the pain is severe and interferes with your daily life, seek medical help.

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