Cold Water Safety Tips

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There are countless water activities that you can do here in Canada. If safety precautions are properly implemented, these water activities should be safe. However, the combination of inexperience and unpredictable weather and water conditions can certainly lead to unwanted events. The biggest risk with any water activity is drowning. But there are simple measures which you can do to help prevent water accidents, such as knowing and implementing water safety measures, having training in first aid, wearing flotation devices, and having rescue equipment ready.

Aside from drowning another potentially life-threatening risk associated with water accidents is hypothermia, especially when the accident occurs in cold water.

Keep Victim Warm

In case of water accidents, your goal is to keep the victim as warm as possible. Low body temperature or hypothermia is one of the leading causes of deaths in water accidents. Here are simple ways of how you can maintain your body temperature.

First Aid and CPR Blanket
Many first aid kits near aquatic environments have wool blankets available. Wool blankets provide excellent insulation and warmth to cold victimts.

· Keep the head covered by wearing hood or hat – almost one-third of the body heat is lost through the head.
· Use emergency signaling devices such as whistle or flares to call for help.
· Assume fetal or ball position by bringing your knees close to your chest and wrapping your arms around them. This minimizes the surface area exposed to the water, which slows down heat loss.

Managing Cold Shock

Submerging in cold water can literally take your breath away. Immersion in extremely cold water can cause a sudden physiologic response, which is known as cold shock. Falling into cold water causes the heart and breathing rate to peak up. Although this is a normal body response, sudden increase in breathing (60-90 breaths per minute) and pulse (150-180 beats per minute) can completely debilitate a person, and can even cause stroke or heart attack in high risk population.

Once out of the water, keep the casualty warm by putting on thermal blanket. Change soaked clothes. Provide treatment for hypothermia and call 911. Keep the airway open and monitor breathing. Be ready to provide CPR if necessary.

Managing Cold Water Accidents In a Group

If the accident involves a group, then additional steps should be taken to ensure everyone’s safety.
· Make sure everyone’s head is well covered. As much as possible, keep everyone awake.
· Bring your knees close to your chest and huddle as close as possible. Place younger children in the middle.
· Inflate flotation device and stay as a group.
· Take turns in calling for help and stay calm.

Preventing Cold Water Accidents

Cold water accidents are preventable. Before you set out for any water activity, you have to consider the possible accidents that can happen. The coastal waters, and even inland waters, in North America can be as cold as 40ºF. Since water conducts heat much faster than air, immersion in such low temperature can instantly lead to hypothermia.

If you know that there is a risk of being immersed in cold water, you have to bring with you proper protective clothing such as a head covering, a dry suit, a thick layer of flees, and a nylon underwear. If going out as a group, be ready with an emergency kit. As much as possible, have appropriate supervision before engaging in any water activities.

Related Video to Hypothermia

1 thought on “Cold Water Safety Tips”

  1. Our trip to BRI was amazing and I lnraet a lot.I lnraet about the DRS ABC.This is what it means:D=danger, look out for danger.R=response, look and hear if your victim can speak or tell him/her can you move or blink.S=shout, shout for help.A=airways, do 30 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths.B=breathing, put your ear and cheek next to your victims nose and mouth and if your victim is not unconsious anymore you could feel him/her breathing on your cheek.C=CPR=cardio pulmonary resuscitation,cardio means your heart, pulmonary mean your lungs and resuscitation means both of them working together.

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