What to Read before Your First Aid Training Class

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Considering that the average and reasonable price of a single yet comprehensive first aid training class is around $135, it pays to read certain topics beforehand to ensure that you pass all the tests and that you actually receive a certificate by the end of the class. Here are some of the topics that you might want to read about before attending your first aid training class.


Opening the airway when doing CPR
First Aid Training Class

Anatomy is the foundation of every medicine-related classes and subjects in all educational institutions including first aid training schools. Aside from familiarizing yourself with the names of the different body parts, reading about anatomy can also teach you how each body parts function normally and during emergency situations or certain medical conditions. It can also teach you about the limitations of each body part during medical emergencies. For example, reading about anatomy can teach you that moving individuals who have fractured bones can make their condition worse. Reading about anatomy beforehand can also make it easier for you to follow the progression of the class even if you have not received any type of medical training before.


Socialization is not just about talking to random strangers at a party or other social gatherings. It is also about building rapport with a complete stranger who you are trying to help or treat by administering first aid. According to a study that was published by the United States Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health, building rapport is necessary for nurses in order to develop a trusting relationship with their patients and that teaching different communication skills to nurses can help achieve this goal. This is why learning how to communicate with a patient or a stranger is necessary before attending a first aid class.


Even though this topic is not one of the focuses of first aid classes, pharmacology is can greatly help first aid students who want to take other life-saving classes such as CPR.

Nowadays, buying a book is no longer necessary in order to know more about these topics. By surfing the internet alone, you can find a lot of helpful articles that can teach you everything that you need to know more about these topics. However, it is more advisable to choose a training center that offers sufficient reading materials to their students. Aside from saving you time, doing so can also help you save money since you will not need to buy actual or online books separately.

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