Treating a bone spur

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A bone spur also called osteophyte is a bone that is formed on a healthy bone. It is merely an extra bone and it is usually smooth, but it can cause pain if it presses or rubs on bone tissues like ligaments, tendons or body nerves. Bone spurs usually develops on the hands, spine, hips, shoulders, feet and knees. If you want to learn how to manage the symptoms triggered by bone spurs, click here.


As the body repairs itself, an extra bone will form which is known as bone spurs. It is caused by the pressure, stress or rubbing that continues over a period of time. Forming of bone spurs can also be caused by the aging process of a person. As the person ages, the tissue called cartilage that covers the ends of the bone joints may break down and wears away, and the person will have osteoarthritis.


Bone spur
Bone spurs usually develops on the hands, spine, hips, shoulders, feet and knees.

Another cause is the discs that function as cushion between the bones and spine wears off with age, and will cause pain and swelling, and in some cases a bone spur will form on the edges of the joints. Bone spurs due to aging usually occurs on the joints of the spine and feet.

Forming of bone spurs on the feet are caused by tight ligaments due to activities like dancing and running that gives stress to the feet and an overweight person and also wearing uncomfortable shoes.

Wearing a very too tight shoe can cause bone spurs at the back of the heel which is known as a “pump bump”.


  • The person should lose weight to minimize the pressure on the joints especially when the person is suffering from osteoarthritis or plantar fasciitis.
  • Rest and put ice compress on the area to prevent pain and swelling.
  • If the bone spurs is on the foot, change footwear, and add shoe paddings or inserts like heel cup or orthotic which helps in minimizing the symptoms.
  • Wear cushions for heels to provide improvement for ankle and foot bone spurs.
  • Alternating hot and cold baths to minimize the pain of bone spurs.
  • A hot flax seed or any herbs can help relax some of the pain and inflammation.
  • If the bone spurs continues to cause the symptoms, it is time to seek medical help.

Preventing bone spurs

  • Maintaining a diet rich in vitamin C from birth. Have plenty of calcium in the diet and other strengthening nutrients for growth and maintenance of strong bones.
  • Do some weight-bearing exercises.
  • Maintaining body weight through diet and exercises in order to reduce pressure on the joints.
  • Minimize playing of sports like soccer and tennis since they are not beneficial for the joints. Even running without shock absorbers can cause bone spurs.

What you are doing as a young person will affect how the joints and bones will feel when the person ages. With this in mind, take care of the body inside and out in order to prevent bone spurs.

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