
Treating childhood fever

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Any temperature that exceeds 98.6 degrees is commonly considered a fever. Parents with children may be concerned to learn that this can occur to their loved ones. A fever is usually a sign that there is an infection present in the person’s body.

A fever is usually a sign that there is an infection present in the person's body.
A fever is usually a sign that there is an infection present in the person’s body.

The factors associated with a fever

In many cases, there are numerous infections present in a person’s body, which is causing the fever. The reason why a person’s body temperature increases is because of a natural reaction that attempts to eliminate the foreign agent from causing further harm. The following conditions are some of the common causes that can indicate a fever:

  • Common influenza
  • Ear discomfort, pain, infection
  • Infections of bodily organs such as the kidneys
  • Childhood illnesses such as tonsillitis, measles, chicken pox
  • Babies who are experiencing emerging teeth, may also develop a fever. Furthermore, annual vaccinations can also result in temporary fevers.

The best occasions to consult a doctor 

It should be necessary to consult medical advice if children do have a fever. The following are warning signs where a doctor’s care is urgently needed:

  • When the child is unconscious and lethargic
  • Is between one to three months old with fever over one hundred degrees
  • Is between three and six months old with a body temperature of over one hundred and two degrees


To effectively manage a fever in a child, one may have to make sure that the child is consuming a lot of liquid beverages such as water to aid in lowering the body’s temperature. Also, a person can do the following:

  • Make sure that the bedroom or house in general remains at a lower, comfortable temperature so that their body cools off
  • Children should reduce the amount of clothing they are wearing in order to lower the body’s temperature
  • Parents should ensure that children use painkillers and other medicines to reduce the fever. However, ensure that the advice of a doctor is followed in such cases

Side effects such as rash, vomiting, seizures, and sleeplessness should be quickly noted while a doctor be summoned immediately.

Consulting with a doctor

  • The age of the child is below six months regarding how good or bad the condition is
  • When parents are no longer able in managing the fever
  • If the child appears lethargic and displays symptoms of diarrhea (little water consumption, dehydration).
  • More severe symptoms of fever develop

Children should be rushed to emergency if any of the following symptoms occur:

  • Parents who have grave concerns and cannot reach their family doctors
  • A child experiences dehydration
  • An occurrence of fever
  • Loss of mental alertness
  • The child’s normal breathing patterns are disrupted

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