asthma attack

How to treat an asthma attack

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An asthma attack can strike suddenly and individuals who experience these traumatic events are witnessing aggravated symptoms. Some asthma attack sufferers may feel the following conditions:

Asthma attacks strike suddenly and individuals who experience these traumatic events are witnessing aggravated symptoms.
Asthma attacks strike suddenly and individuals who experience these traumatic events are witnessing aggravated symptoms.
  • Hard time breathing
  • Low and faster than normal breaths
  • Difficulty managing normal long and deep breaths; stomach pain may also be present
  • Coughing
  • Lastly, high pitched sounds from the chest

The seriousness of these signs will usually rely upon the severity in the reduction in oxygen supplies to the lungs. Furthermore, the time period that the attacks occur will also vary. Some individuals will experience an attack lasting several minutes while others may experience longer attacks. In addition, some individuals are more likely to be impacted by asthma during certain times of the year while others are commonly affected on a regular basis.

In numerous situations, asthma may strike people after encounters with certain environmental factors. For instance, individuals such as children may react to animal scents as well as tobacco smoke, which will cause asthma to flare up. In most cases, an asthma attack will happen after about four to twelve hours subsequent to contact with an offending odour.


The information posted on this page on respiratory issues, including life-threatening ones such as asthma, is for learning purposes only. To learn to manage and recognize these emergencies as well as other cardiovascular and respiratory emergencies enrol in a first aid and CPR course with one of our training providers in Canada today.

Triggers of an asthma attack

The following are only some of the common triggers of asthma attacks:

-Extended periods of exacerbation of the lung’s bronchial tubes, which transport oxygen to the lungs
-Muscular stiffening around the bronchial tubes that result in restricted oxygen transportation to the lungs
-Natural over production of mucus around the bronchial tubes

Many of these incidents involving asthma can be serious or minor. In many cases, asthma sufferers can learn to manage the symptoms associated with asthma on their own.

Warning symptoms

Individuals must promptly request medical assistance if any of the following signs emerge. These symptoms reflect a serious medical condition that requires help.

  • An individual experiencing difficulty with normal speech because of restricted oxygen flow
  • A person is slumping over ready to collapse
  • Discoloration of nails, lips, and other body parts
  • One may experience mental disorientation; one may feel unusual at this point in time


The first step in managing asthma outside of medical help is to establish an effective plan that will lay out the strategy for responding to the condition. A person should keep notes on the medication that he or she normally consumes as well as times when a practitioner needs to be consulted. Emergency preparedness should be established with one’s medical doctor. A person’s doctor can assist one to manage the following:

-Common agents and factors that will cause asthma attacks and how to avoid them
-The various signs of an asthma attack and how one should respond
-The various prescription drugs that help manage asthma
-The best times to consult with a doctor in the event of an attack

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