Subconjunctival hemorrhage

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A subconjunctival hemorrhage happens when small blood vessels breaks under the clear surface of the eye also known as conjunctiva. It is a harmless condition and disappears in just 1-2 weeks. This condition can happen without any harm to the eye or it can be due to a violent sneeze or coughing episode that results to a ruptured blood vessel.


The common symptom of a subconjunctival hemorrhage is a bright red patch that can be seen on the white or sclera of the eyes.  Despite the bloody appearance, a subconjunctival hemorrhage does not cause any changes in the vision, no pain and no drainage from the eye. The only discomfort is the scratchy sensation felt on the surface of the eye. If subconjunctival hemorrhage keeps recurring or bleeding episodes occur, seek medical help immediately.


Subconjunctival hemorrhage
The common symptom of a subconjunctival hemorrhage is a bright red patch that can be seen on the white or sclera of the eyes.
  • Rupture of blood vessels in the eye can be caused by powerful sneezing, violent coughing, vomiting and performing heavy lifting.
  • Injury to the eye
  • Foreign object that cause injuring the eye

Treatment for subconjunctival hemorrhage

  • Splash cold water on the eye or soak a face towel in water and place it over the eyes.
  • Apply cold and warm compress on the affected area. Wrap ice cubes using a cotton cloth and place over the eyes for a few seconds to prevent the development of red eyes. Another alternative is using a warm compress over the affected eyes. In a bowl filled with warm water, soak a clean wash cloth, wring out excess water and place the warm compress on the affected eyes for at least 10-15 minutes every 2 hours.
  • Freeze cucumber in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes and then slice it up. Place a slice of cucumber in each eye for some time to alleviate the red eyes and swelling.
  • Refrigerate used tea bags and place each tea bag in every eye. The tannins are present in tea helps lessen the swelling under the eye.
  • Minimize the time spent in front of the TV or computer screens or mobile phones for long periods of time to help prevent dryness of the eyes. Wear anti-glare glasses to help lessen the eye strain due to the monitor reflections. Keep the eye at least 20-30 cm away from the computer monitor.
  • Eat a balanced diet that is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids such as flax seeds, salmon and nuts. Eat foods rich in vitamin B2 and B6 such as fresh vegetables, eggs, dairy products, whole cereal, turkey, tuna fish, yogurt and asparagus.
  • Soak a cotton pad in cold milk and rub it on the affected eyes for at least 15 minutes at 2 times every day. This cold compress helps in preventing the redness of the eye.

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